4ecotips helps to fight global warming

Released on: February 17, 2008, 10:09 pm

Press Release Author: Andrew Leech

Industry: Environment

Press Release Summary: The website www.4ecotips.com provides an important insight
into how governments, industry and commerce, education, society and individuals
around the world are making their contribution to reducing the threat of CO2
emmissions and Global Warming

Press Release Body: Global warming is by far the greatest threat facing our planet
today and a major responsibility with which we all must come to terms. Indeed the
serious repercussions of climate change are shaping all of our lives and the website
www.4ecotips.com provides an important insight into how governments, industry and
commerce, education, society and individuals around the world are making their
contribution to reducing the threat.

One of the most harmful greenhouse gases responsible for global warming is carbon
dioxide (CO2). It traps the sun's rays in the earth's atmosphere so that
temperatures rise and as a result regions such as the polar ice caps and glaciers
are melting at an unprecedented rate.

And while melting ice is causing the oceans to rise and in many places swamp the
land the need to conserve water from rivers and streams is of major concern to keep
the burgeoning human race well fed and watered.

The way the majority of us run our daily lives contributes significantly to global
warming by relying too heavily on fossil fuels to heat our homes and run our cars,
trains, aeroplanes and shipping. 4ecotips is constantly pointing out ways to reduce
our dependence on fossil fuels by harnessing new energy efficient, renewable
technologies such as solar power (thermal and photovoltaic), wind turbines, combined
heat and power, mircogeneration, bio fuels and so on.

4ecotips points out that a modern, safe, well-structured nuclear power industry also
has a role to play in providing a greener way to generate electricity that is free
from the damaging effects of CO2.

Our existing houses need to be improved and especially well-insulated and new houses
must be built to higher energy efficient standards so that within the next decade
every new home is a zero carbon home, providing high living standards without
sapping the planet's precious resources.

A very important plank of 4ecotips platform is to broaden people's horizons on the
way they travel such as the cars they drive and their use of public transport. For
instance, hybrid cars are what we should all be aiming to drive which encourage the
efficient use of new propulsion methods that emit far lower levels of pollutants.

4ecotips emphasises that we should endeavour to make greater use of public transport
which is becoming more and more green in the way it is fuelled and operated. And we
should travel less by air and take holidays, which make more use of fundamental
manpower such as walking and cycling.

It is also a major part of 4ecotips message to encourage a greater conscience about
the way we shop and the way we recycle and dispose of the waste we generate so that
it makes the least impact on the dwindling resources of our highly fragile planet.

Andrew Leech, the editor of 4ecotips, tells about the significant contribution made
by 4ecotips to fight Global Warming.
4ecotips encourages a greater conscience about the way we shop and the way we
recycle waste and dispose of them. For more information on global warming, CO2
(carbon dioxide), waste recycle, energy efficiency and "http://www.4ecotips.com">Eco News , you may please visit www.4ecotips.com.

Web Site: http://www.4ecotips.com

Contact Details: Hilton House, Grove Lane
Chalfont St Peter
Buckinghamshire SL9 9JU

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